What’s The Best Age For Braces?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children should be evaluated by the time they’re age 7.

What’s The Best Age For Braces?

A question parents frequently ask is “When should my child get braces?”

Often the answer isn’t that simple. 2 equally qualified orthodontists will likely give you a different answer. To complicate matters more, they may differ on their treatment plans as well.

So why this disparity? And what should you do?While there is no ‘perfect age’ for braces, there are some factors to help determine when your child is an ideal candidate for them.

Orthodontic Screening

The first thing you should do is book an evaluation with your orthodontist. Orthodontists specialize in diagnosing and correcting problems with the teeth and face, and will be able to assess whether your child needs braces.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends children should be evaluated by the time they’re age 7. However, some circumstances may require earlier intervention, such as:
• Excessive overcrowding of teeth
• Open bites: when the upper and lower front teeth fail to meet
• Overbites: when the upper teeth protrude past the lower teeth
• Underbites: when the lower teeth protrude past the upper teeth
• Crossbites: when the upper and lower jaw fail to line up

Phase 1 & Phase 2 Treatment

The phase 1 treatment (also known as early intervention treatment) starts before all the permanent teeth have grown out (often when the child is 6 to 10 years old). This treatment is usually recommended to make more space for developing teeth and correct oral problems, such as overbites and cross bites. Phase 1 treatment often involves limited dental hardware, such as expanders and partial braces.

Phase 2 treatment (also known as comprehensive treatment) begins when the child is older (age 11 to 13) and when all their permanent teeth have grown in. This treatment usually involves full braces.

Whether your child will need phase 1 or 2 treatments will depend on the state of their teeth and if the orthodontist feels earlier intervention is required.

Why early examinations are beneficial

Having your children examined earlier (before age 7) has numerous benefits, including:
• Long-term treatment can be properly determined
• Oral problems can be identified earlier
• Teeth can be more easily guided for braces, reducing the time they have to be worn

Talk to your orthodontist and together you can come up with the best treatment plan for your child. Braces not only help straighten teeth, they also enhance your child’s self confidence by improving their smile. At Earlsbridge, our orthodontists are qualified and experienced to help you determine when your child is ready for braces. Contact our office today for more information.

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